أعضاء المجلس
Some text in the Modal..

سید مسیح مومنی
المدیر المفوض

Seyd Massih Momeni
Managing Director
Civil EngineerBoard Member & Stock Holder & Project Manager in Parhoon Tarh Co. Board Member, deputy of managing director and marine deputy in Ports & Maritime Organization المعاون الاقتصادي لوزير الطرق والمواصلات President of criteria & technical department and road office in Department of Planning and Strategic Supervision Governer in Markazi province Member of council in Jahad Sazandegi Co.-Isfahan branch Construction vicar of government in Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiari province President in Jahad Sazandegi Co.
Highly experienced in management and guidance of the project
B.Sc, Civil engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
36 years of Experiences

سیف الله نجفی
نایب رئیس مجلس الاداره

Seifollah Najafi
Vice Chairman of the Board
Civil Engineerالمدير العام وعضو مجلس الإدارة لشركة پرهون طرح (2006ـ 2013م) Chairman of board & Stock Holder in Parhoon Tarh Co. Managing director & member of the board in Jahad Tosee Khadamat Zirbanee Co. مدير المشروع ورئيس الورشة لمشاريع الصومعة في گنبد ومصنع الإسمنت في تبريز ومصنع الإسمنت في ني ريز (شركة تنمية الصومعات) Technical deputy in Panah Saze Iran Co.
Highly experienced in management and guidance of the project
B.Sc, Civil engineering, Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
31 years of Experiences

محمد خیامیان
رئیس مجلس الاداره

Mohammad Khayamian
Chairman of the Board
Civil EngineerChairman of board & Stock Holder in Parhoon Tarh Co. Project manager, Full authorized representative in Boland Payeh Co. Board member & deputy of managing director in Iran Water & Power Resources Development Co. رئيس مجلس الإدارة والمدير العام لهيئة الماء والكهرباء في خوزستان Water committee of Khuzestan provine & member of County Council in Jahad Sazandegi Co.-Isfahan branch
Highly experienced in management of complex projects
M.Sc, Civil engineering, Shiraz university, Shiraz, Iran
43 years of Experiences
محمد نجفی
مجلس الاداره

Name Family
Title in the company
This is a description
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Details come hear
هادی خیامیان
مجلس الاداره

Name Family
Title in the company
This is a description
Details come hear
Details come hear