Economic Investment Assessment
Investment analysis can help determine how an investment is likely to perform and how suitable it is for a given investor, especially in terms of financial benefits. In general, investment analysts examine economic trends and their impact on business potential. In Parhoon Tarh company, following items are included as typical tasks for responsible of this job:
- Reviewing company’s performance, particularly in terms of their financial functioning.
- Analyzing company accounts, profit and loss sheets and cash flow information.
- Interpreting complicated financial structures and economic models.
- Researching economical opportunities and writing executive summaries.
- Regularly meeting with sector leader, communicate with national and international funds to find proper support.
- Making informed recommendations to senior managers.
- Collating detailed, up-to-date data and create project feasibility reports including main evaluation criteria such as Payback period, Return on investment, Internal rate of return, Discounted cash flow, Net present value, Cost-benefit analysis, etc.